Canine Good Neighbor (Dec)
Become an ambassador in your neighbourhood with this program.
Available spots
Service Description
You already know that you have the best dog, but isn’t it great when everyone else comments on how well behaved they are? Purebred or mixed breed, every dog can learn to show off their amazing manners through this training program. Be the envy of your friends at the next backyard BBQ or become a volunteer. No matter what your goals are, your canine will be am ambassador in your neighbourhood. We will cover the following topics in this 8-week class: - Use of markers to communicate with our canines - Focus and engagement on us - Neutrality towards strangers (great for those patio visits) - Accept grooming from a stranger (great for those vet visits) - Loose leash walking (no more sore shoulders) - Sit / down / stay - Recall - Impulse control (polite greetings, doorways, mat) - Dog neutrality - Ignore environmental distractions No experience necessary! Join us to learn all about training your canine to be the best neighbor. *This class is not suitable for reactive or aggressive canines. Canines must be able to work in a group class. Group and individual exercises will be necessary. *Instructor: Tamara Champagne