Open / Utility
Prepare for the Utility Dog (UD) title and beyond!
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Service Description
You've sailed through Novice and Open, now all of the work you've put into your foundation really shows up! This class teaches you all of the skills required to obtain that elusive Utility title while also honing your Open skills and ring routine. No need to have an Open title to join this combined class. If you have aspirations to enter the Utility ring, start preparing early as these exercises are tough! Don't worry, it's also rewarding as you and your canine work together to excel at this level of competition obedience. Come experience the beauty of competition obedience at the highest level. In this class we'll prepare you for the UD exercises: Seek back (glove) Articles Signals Moving Stand Directed Jumping And, to keep it interesting and help progress you towards your goals, we will also mix in some Open exercises. You and your canine are a good fit for this class if you're competing in Open, or already have an Open title and want to prepare for Utility. Canine's must have a reliable retrieve to enter this class. *Instructor: Gwen Haynes