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Double Coated Breed Grooming Seminar

The art of maintaining double coats and perfecting show grooming techniques for the ring

  • Ended
  • 199 Canadian dollars
  • Canine Development and Testing

Service Description

Join us for an immersive dog grooming seminar focused on the art of maintaining double coats and perfecting show grooming techniques for the ring. This seminar will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to keep double-coated breeds looking their best. Date: December 16, 2023 Time: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Seminar Highlights: - Double Coat Maintenance - Show Grooming for the Ring - Hands-On Practice - Q&A and Personalized Tips . What to Bring: - Well-bathed, clean, and dry dog. - Personal grooming tools (brushes, combs, scissors, etc.). - Grooming table. - Force dryer and hand dryer. - Drop sheet for under your grooming table. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your grooming skills and ensure your double-coated companion is always ready for the spotlight. Limited spots available, so reserve your spot today!

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